Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finished piece. 5 day spread to complete it.

So today after 5 days of painting I have completed my latest experimental piece. The motive behind this was to try and derive through Rorschach a painting out of my own psyche. From these observations I had a vision through the colors that had been laid out before me. This painting is done on loose black fabric which the paint was initially dumped onto then from there it was folded over a number of times and spread with a heavy ruler to evenly distribute the paints. After the first drying process and the image which I had visualized came to life for me I then began to stipple in multiple colored rows of different dots to form an outline or border of the image. From there outer lines were used to create the shadow and depth needed to create the optical illusion that was so intended of causing the owl with the crown to appear to be possibly flying off of the material.

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