Thursday, April 18, 2013

Newest piece I created today.

This Piece is on an old plank from the abandoned apartment across from my place. If you look you can see some old graffiti which I decided not to remove. I felt it had a strong urban feel to it which I wanted to continue to show. From there I used both a black and a white gesso and then began to adhere sheets of old phone book pages across the bottom have. From there I began painting the landscape scene on top of the sheets of phone book. In order to create a certain feel to the piece I cut up a stencil to use for the plant imagery. This I then used as my outline to create the foliage which I cluttered with the rest of the piece. I wanted a lot of color and a lot of movement to occur with this piece. Once I finished the landscape to my liking I then used a clear glaze and painted that onto the landscape in order to cause a high gloss sheen in order to help with the illusion of depth.

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